Natures Alchemy's One For All Balm is the perfect solution to dry skin- now formulated for the little ones! Handmade in Ireland from all natural ingredients, this balm is beautifully soothing and nourishing, locking in moisture and protecting baby's delicate skin. Fantastic for nappy changing, rashes, minor cuts, and breastfeeding (allow to dry before feeding), this formula is free from oats and lavender essential oil and is meant for babies over one month old. Great for anyone with gluten allergies and intolerances, as well!
Natures Alchemy prioritizes natural skincare for sensitive skin. With a focus healthy skin that doesn't itch or burn and isn't dry or flakey, these balms are small batch made in Co. Waterford, Ireland, and include ingredients hand foraged in the same County.
Product Information:
- Available in 20 and 40ml Tins
- All Natural Ingredients
- Suitable for Sensitive Skin
- Gluten Free, Coeliac Safe!
- Not Suitable for Babies Under One Month
- Made in Ireland
Product Ingredients:
- Organic Chickweed foraged in Co. Waterford
- Organic Calendula grown in Co. Waterford
- Organic Apricot Kernel Oil, Organic Refined Shea Butter, Knockmealdown Beeswax, Organic Chamomile Flowers, Organic Lavender Flowers
Available at The Celtic Gift Store